Living Green Roof Backstage Shelter
Artist’s vision of our new Living Green Roof Backstage Shelter (Illustration by Deb Bunker)
In 2022 we were raising funds to raise a green roof. We wanted to build a new shelter/changing area for our visiting companies and performers.
In keeping with our ethos to be as ecologically friendly as possible we want to replace the rickety temporary canopy which currently provides cover for backstage changing and props. It will be built with Cedar wood donated by Phil and Sue from their trees at Penlanole and it will have a living green sedum roof. (We promise to try to get birds and butterflies just like the illustration)
With enormous thanks to all your incredible donations, and the hard work by Tim and Carl, we were able to complete the Green Roof Backstage Shelter in Summer 2022. It is named in memory of Ben Jorgensen.